WOW!! Can you believe it is already 2012??
2011 started off with a surprise visit for me to my family ... and ended with me visiting my family again :) But oh so many things happened in between those two visits.
January ~ surprise visit to my family, for my birthday ... was so much fun just showing up at my parents front door!!
February ~ sorting, packing and selling off some possessions in anticipation of the move
March ~ we moved to Amstelveen, The Netherlands
April ~ my parents came to visit us, and we toured around a bit of the northern Netherlands
May ~ we went down to southern France for our anniversary
June/July ~ we spent a long weekend in Poland with our churches mission team, evangelizing and helping them grow the churches in Poznan, they carried on further and went to Gdansk as well
August ~ we found out we are expecting!!!
September ~ we spent a whirlwind week and half in Portland visiting friends
September/October ~ Grace came to visit and her & I went to Switzerland
November ~ Aaron & I went to northern France for his birthday, as well as with a colleague of his to Antwerp, Belgium
December ~ I went back to Canada to visit my family for Christmas
I'm now at the end of my 31st week of pregnancy ... according to "THE" calendar, I'm 222 days pregnant, really doesn't seem like it! :) It has flown by so far, and other then tiredness, I have been feeling pretty good. I never did suffer from morning sickness, for which I am very thankful, since I hate throwing up! I avoid it at all costs, if possible.
The only other thing going on now is that my blood pressure has been higher then they like, and I was just diagnosed with a form of gestational diabetes. I don't have gestational diabetes itself, but an elevated level of glucose, which, if not monitored and watched can turn into gestational diabetes. So I spent the morning seeing a doctor of internal medicine, a diabetes nurse, and in an hour I see the nutritionist as well, to try to get this all under control. I also now get to puncture myself 7 times a day to check my blood glucose levels.
For the elevated blood pressure, I have to go in weekly now to have that checked, but it has come down again slightly, and is not to the level that they want to put me on medication.
Hectic. Crazy.
Oh and in the midst of all this, we are trying to find a place to live in Portland for when we get back in April. It is hard to do from over 9000 miles away. Pictures don't always do apartments or houses justice. I'm sure it'll all figure itself out, but still, it can be kinda frustrating. We wanted to move back into the complex we were in before, but it is such a nice place that people don't want to leave! So, sadly, they don't have any openings!
Sorry, I don't have any pictures to post today. It has been a cold, wet winter so far and I haven't really been out with the camera in quite some time. The forecast for the next few days is sunny and dry, so maybe I'll go for a ride out to the Amsterdamse Bos again, and see what it looks like without leaves. :)
You're coming back! That's probably old news to everyone else, but it's new to me! Yay!